Monday, October 17, 2011


I really enjoyed reading about how all of the Leadership Connectors are bound together with trust. The authors really hit the nail on the head when describing its importance. Any relationship needs trust to flourish; this does not exclude professional and working relationships.
I found the following quote to be especially powerful: "One of the most astonishing parts about trust is that it can be destroyed in seconds, in just a word, in a sentence, or in one action." This lead me to reflect on the relationship I have built in my life and what has lead to the demise of some of them. We all lose connections with people and it has been my experience that a lack of trust has been the culprit.
As a future leader, I will have to be aware and conscientiousness in all that I do, say, and write. In addition, I will need to be more willing to place trust in others. It is easy to have the attitude that "If I want something done right I'll have to do it myself." As a leader, an essential part of building trusting relationships, is relinquishing some of our responsibilities and placing them in the capable hands of others.


  1. I agree with your statement that we must relinquish some of our responsibilities and placing them in capable hands of others. This truly builds a trusting relationship

  2. Trust is such an important role in our lives. I think you hit it on the nose about being able to trust those around us and giving up some of those responsibilities. When doing so we can not micro manage those capable hands of others.
