Monday, November 14, 2011

Budget Assignment Reflection

Examining the budget at my site was one of the most meaningful assignments that we have had. Working at a Title I school means that we receive more funding, but that also means we have more decisions to make and more pots to watch over. I was impressed with the savvy way that my Principal, GIS, resource Teacher and Officer Manager work together to make sure that the funds are spent wisely and appropriately. They have a keen sense for finding money and know when, where, and how to use it.

Maintaining my personal finances and establishing a budget has never been a problem for me. However, as an administrator I will be making more important decisions about funds that will affect the entire site. Keeping the specific needs of the students in mind will be of the upmost importance. I am thankful to work in a district that leaves much of this decision-making up to the site so that their specific needs can be addressed.


  1. i think it is great that our district allows each site to make decisions on how money should be allocated. It's nice to see how office managers, GIS's and principals all work together.

  2. I agree that keeping finances at home and at school will be a totally different experience. There are so many pots that the money comes from and so many restrictions on where and how it can be used. This assignment really allowed us to take a peek at how the budget will work. I thought it was a great experience.

  3. That is great that there are 4 people working on your budget together. I also agree that this was a great assignment for us to dive into and get our feet wet just a little to see what is involved in the budget
