Sunday, October 9, 2011

Continuous Renewal

As an aspiring administrator, I am constantly keeping an eye on current administrators and learning from them. There are those that seem to just have it all and this chapter helped me to see how they’ve gotten there. I really appreciated the statement, “These leaders have a passion for and are committed to a healthy life, nurturing relationships with their family and friends, and their jobs.” It was encouraging to read that it is the best leaders who are able to balance their careers with their personal lives. It is possible. Some of the keys ideas that I will reflect more upon are:

  • Determine what pushes your buttons.
  • Identify your most productive work hours.
  • Be conscious of your attitude.


  1. Each school leader that has been a guest speaker put an emphasis on Balance. Without balance they had acknowledged that CHAOS would take over. Balance to me represents good health -healthy relationships, healthy working environment - and a healthy body!!

  2. I like that you selected a few key elements to focus on rather than trying to 'fix' everything at once. Things can be overwhelming at times, but it is important for us to learn how to balance everything that is important to us.

  3. I too try to keep an eye on administrators to see how well they keep balance in their lives. I think it is also about taking on what you can without spreading yourself to thin.
